about Mark
Mark lives in the rural countryside of south-east England with his wife and two young sons.
He was born in Carlisle, and spent the early part of his life in the city, before moving south to follow his father's work in TV to the outskirts of London.
He studied English, Theatre and Law before spending a great deal of time both working and travelling overseas.
On his return, Mark worked as a chef for many years, before embarking on his career in various media and multimedia outlets.
A keen writer of screenplays and scripts throughout his life, Mark finally began to
put pen to paper on his first novel in 2014. Three years in the making,
Where Men Once Walked was finally published in 2017, an epic telling of a
young man's tumultuous attempt to cross overland from northern Thailand
back to Europe as a global disaster takes a strangle-hold on the globe.
Hot on it's heels was the follow-up in 2019, Where Fires Are To Burn.
Set in the same dystopian world as the first novel, albeit a few years later
and with a different cast of characters, the novel tells of a young family's
attempts to salvage hope and sanctity as they cross through a ravaged
Mexico in search of the border and a fabled promise-land.
In 2020, the first podcast came to fruition. Titled Peer Beyond The Veil,
Mark speaks to guests from various disciplines within the paranormal,
supernatural, spiritual, esoteric and occult fields, as they delve into the
world of the unknown. Each week a new guest shares their work and their
research as they try to make ground on some of life's most fundamental
2021 saw the publication of a third novel, Victoria Courtman and the Blackbird.
A tale of scientific conspiracy rooted in truth, it paved the way for Mark's
next podcast, Double Helix, which followed on the heels of The Shortest History of Britain,
a whirlwind trip around two centuries and more of his homeland.
A keen artist in any discipline, Mark is inspired by the literary works of Cormac McCarthy and
Gabriel Garcia Marquez, and the music of the late 1960s in bands such as Led Zeppelin and The Doors, and in the natural world around us, where Mark spends as much of his spare time as he can with his dog, Darwin.